Day-2 Live Demo-3: My First DHIS2 App

Step-1: Create a folder in your development directory and create a new index.html file

Step-2: Add the below codes in the index file:


Step-3: You have to create a manifest file as below format and save this file as “manifest.webapp”:

    "version": "1.0",
    "name": "My First DHIS2 App",
    "description": " My First DHIS2 App ",
    "launch_path": "/index.html",
    "icons": {
        "16": "/images/favicon.jpg",
        "48": "/images/favicon.jpg",
        "128": "/images/favicon.jpg"
    "developer": {
        "name": "Julhas Sujan",
        "url": "your website"
    "default_locale": "en",
    "activities": {
        "dhis": {
            "href": "dhis2 root path”

Step-4: Create a folder “images” and place “favicon.jpg”

Step-5: If you want to design the app and integrate JS then create the folders “js”, “css”, “fonts” etc and place your necessary libraries here.

Step-6: The file structure will look like:

Step-7: Now we have to zip the application by right click on the index file as like:

Step-8: Login into your DHIS2 accounts and click on the “Apps Management” menu from “Apps”:

Step-9: Click on the upload button and upload the zip file:

Step-10: Your app will be added in this list and click on the app and see the output:


Step-11: If you want to uninstall then click on the below uninstall button:

Step-1: Create a folder in your development directory and create a new index.html file

Step-2: Add the below codes in the index file:


Step-3: You have to create a manifest file as below format and save this file as “manifest.webapp”:

    "version": "1.0",
    "name": "My First DHIS2 App",
    "description": " My First DHIS2 App ",
    "launch_path": "/index.html",
    "icons": {
        "16": "/images/favicon.jpg",
        "48": "/images/favicon.jpg",
        "128": "/images/favicon.jpg"
    "developer": {
        "name": "Julhas Sujan",
        "url": "your website"
    "default_locale": "en",
    "activities": {
        "dhis": {
            "href": "dhis2 root path”

Step-4: Create a folder “images” and place “favicon.jpg”

Step-5: If you want to design the app and integrate JS then create the folders “js”, “css”, “fonts” etc and place your necessary libraries here.

Step-6: The file structure will look like:

Step-7: Now we have to zip the application by right click on the index file as like:

Step-8: Login into your DHIS2 accounts and click on the “Apps Management” menu from “Apps”:

Step-9: Click on the upload button and upload the zip file:

Step-10: Your app will be added in this list and click on the app and see the output:


Step-11: If you want to uninstall then click on the below uninstall button: