
DHIS2 Data Store:

Data Store Example:
POST /api/dataStore/socialApp/configKey
GET /api/dataStore/socialApp
“layout”: “table”,
“style”: “blue”,
“lastCheck”: “2017-02-01”
GET /api/dataStore/socialApp/configKey/metaData
GET /api/dataStore/socialApp/configKey

Why Data Store?

Apps >> DataStore Manager:

Why SMQ?
● Released in May 2017
● Lets you upload your own, generic apps
● Contribute, share and get reusable apps

Engaging with App Store

DHIS2 Data Store:

Data Store Example:
POST /api/dataStore/socialApp/configKey
GET /api/dataStore/socialApp
“layout”: “table”,
“style”: “blue”,
“lastCheck”: “2017-02-01”
GET /api/dataStore/socialApp/configKey/metaData
GET /api/dataStore/socialApp/configKey

Why Data Store?

Apps >> DataStore Manager:

Why SMQ?
● Released in May 2017
● Lets you upload your own, generic apps
● Contribute, share and get reusable apps

Engaging with App Store